Good Nutrition . . . for Life

Improving Health & Life through weight
management and learning healthy habits . . .for Life.

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This program is a safe, effective, proven method of achieving weight loss and a healthier life. Your Health Coaches are Dr. Stephen and Julie Forbess.  Dr. Forbess is a chiropractor, and has 4 advanced degrees/diplomates/certifications in the field of Nutrition.  Julie is a Certified Health Coach and former teacher. We provide health coaching as a completely free service to clients. There are no hidden fees, no long-term contracts to sign... and no surprises. Your only commitment to this program — is a commitment to yourself for a healthier life. Are you ready?
What Your Health Coaches Will Do For You
Common Questions
Some of the most common questions we get about this program (click on them, or scroll down to the bottom):

Can I do it?

Absolutely. No Doubt.
The fact is you'll have a support system in place with a Certified Health Coach. This gives you a 38% higher success rate than trying to do this alone.  Your coach will be with you through every phase of the program.  You pay nothing for the help of your Health Coach.  That’s right!  Coaching is FREE.  The company pays the Coach so you can rest assured that you will have support whenever you need it.


How much does it cost?

You pay for nothing except the food you will be eating!  There are no enrollment fees, no weekly or monthly meetings, no required amounts to have to spend.  As a matter of fact, you will probably find you are spending much less for this program than you are currently spending on food now.  On average, you can count on about $10 to $12 per day for your meal replacements.  With the discounts and free shipping, you can expect to pay between $260 to $300 for a 30 day supply of meal replacements and the longer you are on the program, the less expensive the food becomes.

Does the food taste good?

I usually wonder when I get this question whether the person in front of me is ready.  If your doctor told you that you would be dead in 30 days if you didn’t change your diet, would the taste of the food matter? Personally, we would have eaten cardboard to stay alive (When Julie tried Nutrisystem, some of it tasted exactly like that), but that’s just us.

The food, however, is great.  With over 70 items to choose from, you will find things you like.  We have 4 children, and they like it... Hey Mikey!

Is it going to be a filet mignon with a baked potato smothered with sour cream and chives?  Is it going to be a big slice of chocolate cake with a scoop of vanilla ice cream?  Nope.  If that’s what you’re looking for, you’re not ready.   

More questions?  Click here

For how this programs total cost compares with other programs, click here.

The program is simple, the meal replacements are perfectly measured with 24 vitamins & minerals, and calories.  It doesn’t matter which portioned meal you eat on the program, the nutritional footprint is virtually identical.  You will get a lower caloric intake on a daily basis and you will lose weight.  Period.  No magic pill, no secret formula, no more yo-yo dieting.  We will teach you to eat right, in the right proportions, often, so your body is constantly burning the bad stuff.

It’s simple and you'll have help.  

Are you ready?

This program is a multi faceted approach to better health.  The first thing you will do is change your diet.  Instead of eating the way you currently do, you will begin eating multiple times throughout the day in small portions.  You’ll be “turning on” your fat burning engine 6 times a day, instead of 1-3 times as you did before, thus burning more calories in the process.  You’ll also be training yourself and your body to take in and use only what you need to make it work.  The plan is a "5 and 1" program for most people.  You will start with small meals 5 times a day, in addition to eating one main meal — also known as a "lean and green" meal.


What to Expect

In the first 3 days, you will go into what is called Ketosis.  Your liver will be cleaning itself out.  During this time, you may feel sluggish, headachy, maybe even a little cranky.  By day 4, most are full of energy, not hungry and on your way.



While everyone is different, most people lose weight at the rate of up to 2 to 5 pounds per week while on this program. One of our Coaches, Lisa, the owner of an herb & vitamin shop, had lost weight, but had been at a plateau for over 6 months.  She only needed to lose another 20 lbs. to be at her goal.  By the second day on this program she had lost 11 lbs.  While these results may not be typical, the hope her real story gives is typical, and gives encouragement to all.

How You’ll Feel
How Much Will You Lose

Let me answer these common questions for you up front, and this will explain how I can help you with your journey towards a healthier life.